In Weddings

When we first get engaged, it’s normal to go guns blazing and start planning your wedding. But the truth is, as our enthusiasm ebbs and flows there are times when we just need to take a break from wedding planning. With the holiday season approaching, we thought it was timely to remind couples that it’s OK to put things to one side sometimes. In fact, it’s important that we do.

Wedding are incredibly special occasions and they’re no small thing to organise. The level of planning required can become all-consuming as we try to keep tabs of where we’re at and what’s left to do. But even though there’s a long list, it’s perfectly fine to take a break from wedding planning, it’s just about recognising when you really need to.

These five signs suggest it might be time you took a break from wedding planning.

5 signs you need to take a break from wedding planning

When you need quality time with friends and family

You’ll know if it’s been a while since you spent time with your friends and family. And we don’t mean a quick catch up to discuss wedding arrangements, we mean a decent hang-out with some of your nearest and dearest.

In the midst of wedding planning, many of us can be overwhelmed to the point that we exclude ourselves from social gatherings. The thought of making time to do that is sometimes just too much when we have a million and one things on our plate. If you find yourself making excuses not to see your friends, it’s definitely time to take a break from wedding planning.

Yes, your wedding day is a momentous occasion but it should never get in the way of quality time with your friends and family. These are the people you’ll need around you the most when you need a little extra help or input. Keep them close and make sure you stay aware of what is truly important.

5 signs you need to take a break from wedding planning

When you crave a non-wedding related conversation

Wedding this, wedding that. If the wedding is all you’re talking about these days, there’s a good chances it’s time to take a break from wedding planning.

We know this is easier said than done when you’re organising things left, right and centre, but it’s really important to be conscious of when you’re overdoing it on the wedding convo.

Be sure to embrace other topics of conversation.

If you find yourself segueing into a chat about the wedding every time you speak to someone, it really is time you put the planning to one side for a few days.

5 signs you need to take a break from wedding planning

When planning becomes more stressful than fun

There are times when wedding planning is stressful and some of us find it more stressful than others. If something goes wrong, it’s natural to feel a little upset, but it’s not natural to let it turn the entire planning phase into a stressful time.

From the outset, wedding planning should be taken on with a fun, positive attitude. This way, if something does go wrong, you’ll be better equipped to brush it off and carry on. It’s when you find yourself struggling to see the fun side that you need to take a break from your wedding planning.

Taking a break when things become stressful is like taking a break from your work.

Come back to it with a clear head and see the fun side again. There’s nothing that can’t be fixed. If you have a positive outlook, you’ll always keep this in mind.

5 signs you need to take a break from wedding planning

When you have recurring wedding dreams

Wedding dreams can ramp up as you get closer to the big day. Some of them will be good, some not so good. However, it’s when you have the same wedding dream night after night that it’s time to take a break from wedding planning.

Recurring dreams are a sign of stress and that’s something we’re really trying to avoid. Bad dreams wake us in the night which leads us to feeling tired and fuels our level of stress – a vicious cycle that needs to be reined in before it affects your day to day life.

So if the sandman’s not being kind to you, take a break from wedding planning and spend some time clearing your mind. A good night’s sleep goes a long way towards feeling stress-free.

5 signs you need to take a break from wedding planning

When it’s the holiday season

The holiday season is almost here and there’s no better time to take a break from wedding planning than over Christmas. Surrounded by friends and family, make Christmas about being together with them, not about the wedding. Sure, tell them all how excited you are and how everything is coming together nicely, but don’t turn Christmas day into a wedding planning extravaganza.

The fact of the matter is, everyone else is having a holiday at this time too. So even if you’re not feeling on top of things, you’ll need to wait until vendors reopen their services. Take this moment as a compulsory wedding planning holiday and start again when the Christmas break is over.

5 signs you need to take a break from wedding planning

Recognising when it’s time to take a break from wedding planning is an important part of the planning process. Sometimes a little time out is all you need to restart your planning phase with a fresh set of ideas and a positive attitude.

We love to see wedding couples enjoying their planning process and we are here to help wherever we can. Booking with us means you can tick off some of your more major tasks, minimising stress and allowing you more time for the finer details.

If you’re about to embark on a wedding planning journey, call us today and have a chat about your ideas for your wedding day. Better yet, pop up and see us, we’d love to meet you.

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